We want our wrestlers to become better overall athletes. Many of our young wrestlers are just beginning to play sports and they are just learning how to use their bodies.  We believe wrestling is a great sport to help develop this athleticism. It will help them become more equipped on the wrestling mat, baseball field, soccer field, football field, basketball court and in any sport they participate. We believe our wrestlers leave our program as better overall athletes.

  1. Enjoy wrestling!
  2. Begin to learn how to control their body through tumbling exercises. Teaches proper falling, landing, and controlling body movements.
  3. Begin to develop proper footwork through skipping, shuffling, speed ladder, and stance/movement drills.
  4. Begin to develop strength through various body weight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, neck bridges, bear crawl, crab walk, army crawl, plus many more.
  5. Begin learning proper stretching to develop flexibility through a variety of stretches and movements.
  6. Begin to develop balance and body awareness through a variety of balance drills and games, footwork drills and tumbling. 
  7. Learn the following fundamental wrestling techniques prior to advancing to the competition stage: proper stance, level change, penetration step, double leg take down, stand-up, break down, and half-nelson. 

The 6 and Under program will work a little bit different from the rest of the program.  We feel that it is very important at this young age to ease our young kids into wrestling.  The wrestling season is shortened for our 6 and under group and the competition portion is scaled back.  Here is a brief description of how our 6 and under group will work.  


  1. The practices will be shorter.  The 6 and Under group will practice for one hour 2 times a week.  The focus for our practices will be to have fun, develop overall athletism, and learn wrestling skills.

  2. The season will be shorter.  The 6 and Under group will begin the same time as the rest of the group in November  but will end in December with the Beginners Bash.  If your wrestler is really enjoying the sport and wants to continue for another session.  We will allow wrestlers the ability to wrestle an additional month.  This will be decided by the coaches and the parents.  The second session will begin in January  and it will end mid February with the 2nd Beginners Bash.

  3. The tournament schedule will be different.  For first year 6 and Under wrestlers we will not allow them to wrestle in any outside tournaments.  We will host two special events called Beginner Bash’s that will allow our  first year 6 and Under wrestlers the chance to showcase their skills.  If you have a 6 and Under wrestler with a season under his/her belt we will allow you to participate in 2-3 beginner tournaments only.  These are tournaments that are set up for only beginner level wrestlers with no tournament experience.  If you are a 6 and Under wrestler with 3 years of experience you will be able to wrestle in 3-4 regular tournaments a year.


The cost of participating in the EWC as a 6 and Under is $85.00 for the first session and a $25 Volunteer/Equipment fee.  This $25 fee is returned at the end of the year when all equipment is returned and the 4 volunteer hours are served.  Wrestler’s can also sign up for the second session for $25. The registration fee is also used to acquire a USA Wrestling Card for each wrestler.  

The USA Wrestling Card is necessary in order to practice and wrestle in tournaments. It provides an excess, or secondary sports accident insurance. Please see www.edwardsvillewrestling.com - Wrestling Forms - Insurance – USA Wrestling Insurance Coverage, for details of this secondary coverage.  This document 

(17 pages) is also available at the EWC Office.  

A completed emergency form, a copy of the wrestler’s birth certificate and a signed waiver form are required to complete EWC registration.  Wrestlers may join the EWC at any time during the wrestling season.