We want our wrestlers to become better overall athletes. We believe wrestling is a great sport to help develop this athleticism. It will help them become more equipped on the wrestling mat, baseball field, soccer field, football field, basketball court and in any sport they participate. We believe our wrestlers leave our program as better overall athletes.

  1. Have fun!
  2. Continue to develop strength through various body weight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, neck bridges, bear crawl, crab walk, army crawl, plus many more.
  3. Continue to  learn proper stretching to develop flexibility through a variety of stretches and movements.
  4. Continue to develop balance and body awareness through a variety of balance drills and games, footwork drills and tumbling. 
  5. Begin to understand the importance of hard work and dedication.
  6. Continue practicing the following fundamental wrestling techniques for competition: proper stance, level change, penetration step, double leg take down, stand up, break down, and half-nelson. 
  7. Learn tactics and strategy of wrestling. This is a challenge for many of our young athletes and many times it is the last part of the sport they grasp. Competition is sometimes the best way for our young athletes to learn this part of the sport and is often learned the hard way, by taking losses.

The EWC is a sanctioned member of the Illinois Kids Wrestling Federation (IKWF) and USA Wrestling.  The EWC folkstyle season begins in November 6th.  The season concludes in March with the State Finals.  There currently is no State Series for Middle School wrestlers.  Participation in IKWF gives kids the opportunity to experience a high level State Wrestling Series during their Middle School years. 

Tournaments begin the first weekend in December and continue until completion of the State Series in the middle of March.  The tournaments are held in various towns throughout the State.  Most of our participation is local.  The tournaments provide wrestlers the opportunity to compete and use the techniques they have learned in practice.  The format of the tournaments is such that everyone gets to wrestle, not just first string wrestlers.  Brackets are usually made up of 8 wrestlers based on weights and ages.  Divisions are set up by age: 6 & Under ; 7 & 8; 9 & 11; 11&12 and 13, & 14 year olds.   A lot of the tournaments will also have a girls division. Each wrestler has to weigh in for each tournament. Every member of the EWC is eligible to participate in any tournament. Tournaments are not mandatory.  Tournaments usually cost approximately $20.00-$25.00 for a wrestler to participate.  There is a small fee for spectators.  Wrestlers receive a trophy, medal or ribbon at almost all tournaments in which they participate.


The cost of participating in the EWC is $115.00 registration fee plus a $60 Volunteer/Equipment fee.  This $60 fee is returned at the end of the year when all equipment is returned and the 8 volunteer hours are served. The registration fee is also used to acquire a USA Wrestling Card for each wrestler.  


The USA Wrestling Card is necessary in order to practice and wrestle in tournaments. It provides an excess, or secondary sports accident insurance. Please see www.edwardsvillewrestling.com - Wrestling Forms - Insurance – USA Wrestling Insurance Coverage, for details of this secondary coverage.  This document 

(17 pages) is also available at the EWC Office.  


A completed online registration, a copy of new wrestler’s birth certificate and a signed waiver form are required to complete EWC registration.  Wrestlers may join the EWC at any time during the wrestling season.